**Posted by Hellray at 9:06 AM

Wiki chose MYST. That's a brave choice...let me tell u a MYST story gentle reader:
MYST is a kind of puzzle game. Even the name hints at that...MYSTerious...and it also sounds like MIST.

You arrive on an island that appears to be empty...although there are many items you can interact with..and you gradually discover clues to help you play. It has beautiful graphics - especially when you consider how old the game is (relatively speaking). It was also the highest-selling ever PC-game until Sims overtook it. A new version has been released for iPhone in the last few months.

Currently have 5 comments:

  1. GE-DRAGON says:

    MYST wow ~
    MR Hellray...

    I feels more interest to play the street fighter than super mario kk
    ~=_=~ Mr Sparkle choosen the street fighter !!?
    hope that's not late to choose Super Mario 64 DS~~ to instead street fighter
    The 3D model looks outstanding ...
    but I heard It seems a little bit diffcult to play than the original Super Mario 64, but is still a fun challenge....

  1. Mr Sparkle says:

    sorry GE-DRAGON...

    i wanna choose MYST at first time...
    but when i was ready to post i saw wiki took it already... and i thought u might choose super mario 64...

    im really sorry but if u want i can swap with u... i feel stressed to play street fighter... >o<

  1. Arwen says:

    i think it's a dangerous game......the voice and environment always with depressed effect......let me feel sad and have bad mood......however, the story quite special.
    cheer Wiki

  1. christine c. says:

    yeah, the story seems quite special:).. i just hope i won't get even more depressed upon playing Myst ...T_T anyway, i think i'll be fascinated to try it. i sometimes do appreciate works that are nostalgic / mysterious so i think i can go for it^^

  1. Hellray says:

    I'm planning to make the MYST for iPhone available when we have our second round of games in Week Five. Only...Doffgan is the only one with an iPhone, lolz.
    This is the only one of these early games I never played much, myself (well, not Spacewar! either)...but I re-checked the graphics and they're still awesome =]

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