sth about SFII

**Posted by Mr Sparkle at 10:35 PM

I played Street Fighter II for nearly 2 weeks. Honestly it is a very interesting game, but it made me really mad when i play it... It was toooo hard for me to win at the beginning =_=. coz all the control keys messed up and the option is not for PC, it's for the big machine. So the only key for attack is the space key and i can use arrow keys to move the character... Luckily Arwen helped me to find the user define option. I've changed all the control keys and so the game is easier for me to play now =D.

I usually spend an hour to play the game everyday. It is fun. And i am still trying to find out the keys of combo moves and some special moves. En... i can beat 7 people maximum now. And after i beat 4 people, i found a special plot that my character needs to hit a car to get extra score. 

He is the biggest enemy of me! I hate him. i can not beat him till now, not even once! He is really annoy! 

This is the highest score i got till now =D

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. Hellray says:

    Yay! So cool. I love Streetfighter II as well. The first time I played PROPERLY was on an arcade in an empty train station in the middle of NOWHERE. My brother and i had just missed our train, and had to wait two hours for the we just played VS battles against each other =]
    Ahhh...I <3 fighting games!

  1. pdcsky says:

    You could not beat Dhalism?
    He has the longest range attacks, so you have to stay far away from him. But that sucks because you have to get in close to him to deal some damage.

    Good luck :)

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