Diary of DOOM--expression show

**Posted by Imaginator at 11:33 PM

As we all knows, DOOM is a first person shooting game. So, normally , we cannot see the face of main character in this game gene. However, the designers of DOOM have already give players some extra service. In the middle of the UI, except weapon and health number, we can see a small face. This face is not a still picture, it's like a really mirror of main character. When you are exploring map, this face will look around, when you fight with enemies, this face will be angry, when you are hurt , this face will have some new wound as well. It's a very tiny detail in this game, when player force on fighting and shooting, they might not have time to mention this small square in mid-button, but if you have a look carefully, you can feel the sincerity in this game.

I collected most of expression appeared in DOOM, combined with some other screenshots, than write this article to combine them in a whole comic story.


"emmm...Where am I?"
When I woke up, there was nothing except silence. I was in a strange space, broad but wide.

I look around. The walls and pillars are dirty but solid. Several weak blue or red light are shining from the precise chips on the wall. In few feet further, a metal can is filled of green unknown liquid. A piece of body lie on the ground, it is too strange to recognize what it is when it alive.The only useful thing in my hand, is a ugly handgun with 50 bullets.

"Anybody can hear me? Any NPC here?"
As an experienced RPG player, the first thing when I arrive a new place is walk around then claw everything I can find here. So I did that.

The first food(?) that I found are some small blue bottles. I don't know how it tasted, but after I drink that, my health point get one percent increased. Now, my health point is...

"What?!Who can tell me what is this situation? I am over weight or over health?"
OK,I don't really care that, because the more HP the better, isn't it ? Let's back to our search, after half a minute later, I find another good. A helmet! Someone throw it in a dark corner, but for some reasons, the eye of the helmet alway release intermitted green flesh, so find it for me is just like a little case.

It's very similar to the blue liquid, every helmet can give me 1% armor point. Of course I feel very happy I become hard to die, but the case is...
"Can my neck carry so many helmets in the same time?"
On the other hand, helmet cannot cover my body, I need an whole armor. My determined finally win the odds. On a turning hexagon platform, I got a green armor. It's much better then helmet. I get 100% armor point after I wear that. However, this armor is too messiness so I cannot wear it twice.

"The goooooood!"

I think I have already picked everything I can take in this area. So I holding my handgun, happily and excitedly move forward. A gate stop my step, I opened it, then I meet my first same type in this place.

"Wait! Why his gun is larger and cooler than mine? And his eyes..... seems like rabbit?"
I am still confusing, but my new mate looks not so friendly. He start to shoot me, fortunately, my helmets protect me(I HAVE WEARED 5 HELMETS!!! ).

"I am angry! I will rob your gun!"
Then I shoot back, after a stormy gun fighting. My new neighbourhood become a ghost of my gun, and I receive some damage as well. However, his gun was broken during the fight, my wish can not appear this time.


A little flesh wound can not stop my step, follow the stages. I walk down to underground level. The environment become darker, a roar sound from further. A monster rush out suddenly!

"I have never know a zombie can use fireball magic!"
This moster even don't need gun to attack. Red and hot fireballs are shoot from its hand.




It's.... So strong! BUT I still can fight!
This battle take me a lot of motion, but I have get my win yet. I feel my blood is losing, my body is going to weak, and the worst thing is....

I throw the crap handgun out, then did several deep breath. The monster is closing me, but I don't want to die!


"Hei! There is a way out!"
I run away from the monster, as fast as I can. The fireballs come from my back, one of them even touch my ear. I can smile my hair was burn, but I can not stop, the exit door is near to me!

"Oh!Yeah! I will survive! I can escape from here!"
I open the door. The moster can not catch me anymore. I think I will be safety, however.....

"What's this map mean?"
That means, I still have 6 more level to pass.
In those levels, there will be more monsters, more dangerous, more risk!


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