
**Posted by Arwen at 11:31 PM

About Civilization

Since I played CIV almost a week already. The game just as the name, talk about a lot of civilization, such as Roma, Babylonian, German, Egyptian, Chinese, Greek, and so on. In the game player can control one of the country to develop many kind of technology and fight with other countries. By the time pass, player can also building the city and make army, something like that.

In the beginning of this game, we can choose the game difficulty level to play, level of competition and pick a tribe. Also you need to create a name of your tribe. For this part, because I just first time to play this game, and I just want to know the every function of this game, so I chosen Chieftain which is the easiest tribe I can choose and with 3 civilizations. The city called “Arwen” of Roma. After that, the game turn to the page for introduce every icon of this game. Then the game start.

In my opinion, the game have huge background. Player can be interested in how to grow up the country and to win in the war. The control in this game is quite simple, most of time just use arrow key to move the army and enter key to do the function. But there also have some short key to control. Like F1-F12. Because the game is really old game, the graphic in this game are terrible, the words not clear any more even just like a pixel symbol. Music also can be ignore. Actually I turn off the music when I was played. Nevertheless, the game have many defect as I said. But I do really like this type of game. So I can just keep playing.

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. Hellray says:

    Hehehe...u are SO mean about the graphics. To be honest, i think u have to immerse yourself in the idea that back in the day, the graphics were pretty good. The first game i played for like hours and hours only had 16 shades of GRAY! Now THAT iz bad graphics =]
    But yeah! Isn't gameplay excellent? N, based on ur choice of game to talk about before, i think CIV iz defintely ur kinda game...good luck getting into space.
    Tip: DO NOT destroy the last other civilization...keep them alive on ur empire's borders...

  1. Arwen says:

    after I written this, i find some game guide about this game, realized it's really complex game.......should pay patient.......

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