I choose you!

**Posted by Hellray at 10:45 PM

A little earlier, Mr Sparkle made this comment:
"can u pls tell mr sparkle what are the games we can choose again?"
Well, Mr Sparkle, here at MED3905-BLOG we're glad that you asked that question...the answer is here:
pikachu22small.jpg image by mikebox
What are the rules for selecting the games?

1) If someone else already said they want a game...then ur too late!
2) I'll post games as they u know that someone else chose one already
3) I have working versions for all of the games, and there are downloads for all of them in the MED3905 main site
4) If you can work out how to get your game going GREAT...if not, then u may have to wait 'til class on Monday [6-8pm] when we'll all do our installs =]

5) We will not be choosing Spacewar!

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. christine c. says:

    ..MYST seems pretty interesting.. I haven't tried playing it yet but I've read that it's a graphic adventure game, wandering / journeying into a fictional interactive world which needs to be explored, and that it has several endings depending on the player's actions. The title itself seems interesting. I think I'll go for it:)

  1. Mr Sparkle says:

    AH...i'm too late for MYST... COL......

    i'll go for Streetfighter II though...

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