The unbelieveble history of video games

**Posted by doffgan at 10:12 PM

From watching the serie of the rise of the video. I am surprised to see
how video games developed from the "tennis for two" compare to the 3D games that
we playing nowadays with high tech graphic and sound, great story telling and
all other great features. Vedio Games started from the year of 1958 and has risen to
the top of the entertainment industry in last 50 years.
Vedio games started from Television games.
Player use joysticks to control the two pads on TV screen.
That was made by TV and computer programmers who just
want to make a playable TV program.
And then at the year 1962, SpceWar came alone.
The world's first fully interactuve vedio game.
Made by Steve Russel, a computer programmer,
Who is the key person of the vedio game industry.
Then its coming to the Arcade time.
Because at that time computers are huge.
Programmars decided to make the computer games into a machine
which has a resonable size so more people can play.
They designed few buttons to control the different aspect of the game.
so that the fist Arcade version of spacewar was born.
At that point, vedio games been accept by more and more people.
and i think that's where vedio games really started its Industry.
Lots of great Arcade games been developped at that time
After that Vedio game concole came out.
The idea came from the first TV game.
They want to get the TV games to play on any TV set.
So the first concole is only made for one game "pong".
and its been quite popular.
Lots vedio game concole company had been developped since then
The most recognize ones are nintendo and sony.
From the popularity of vedio games.
Player not satisfied by crab graphics any more.
desiners started to work on the graphics, sound and stories of games.
vedio games has developped from pixel graphic, to vector graphic,
to line graphic and 3D graphics.
Sounds became a big elements of the game.
no more simple boucing sounds.
And also story-telling started add in to games.
Like Mario series.
Then came a whole new type of game.
The simulates games.
wars, drinving, flying, build a world, all these things became the topic of simulates games.
as the technology developped,
simulates game become more and more realistic.
armies even use the simulates game to train the sodier, pilots, simulates the real war.
Vedio games has been developped in many other platform since then.
Like mobile phones and Internet.
Vedio games is no longer just for fun.
players put real emotions into the game, Internet made games more world wide.
people using games to get away real life.
The revolutions of vedio games are all thanks to those incredable people,
who has the dare to stand out the thoughts.
who has all these creative ideas and put them into action.
they set the foundation of vedio games so we can enjoy what we have today.

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