Rise of Video Games

**Posted by christine c. at 12:03 PM

The video on "Rise of Video Games" have mentioned a lot of significant things about games such as, how the games had evolved, how games reflect the culture of our times, how some games like Pacman was created, and the concept of some games where you are given the ultimate power and have to decide what to do with it. Here are some of the other interesting things that have caught my attention from this video:

  • Miyamoto, who created the Donkey Kong video game and designed the Super Mario Bros., was an artist and aspiring storyteller. He wants to recreate the feeling of fun and excitement he had as a child. I think that was also how others, in our present time, came to choose a profession - most of us wants to work where we'll have fun and love for what we do. Miyamoto wants to be an entertainer in some ways - and I think that has inspired him to go into creating and designing those video games that will entertain people in spite of his lack of programming experience.
  • Generation gap - Games / Technology has created a gap between generations. Some parents (not all) in the past, had felt some kind of fear. They could not understand the new technologies that were emerging. They feel like they were left behind and were very much against it. Some also feel that these video games that were emerging were of no good to their children - so they prevent their children from playing these games (haha, sounds like my parents were one of those back then). But I think parents were now more open to these changes and innovations being made.
  • Advantages of video games - Video games can be viewed not just as games. They are also a form of art, and an area for expression. Some people were against it for the violence it projects. But games has this virtual world where it is a safe place to express some of your feelings (like anger - in shooting games) and wherein your actions will have no consequences in real life - there is no consequence of truly hurting/shooting someone because you are in a real world - nobody's in there. Another important advantage of playing games is that games can make us feel closer to one another - the experience of playing games together brings out a sense of support and togetherness (even if there is competition).
  • Disadvantages of games - Violence that results from playing video games usually happens when one becomes irresponsible and can no longer balance his life and separate the virtual world from the real world. Others had become so addicted to it, that that when they got to get back living in the reality - they get so depressed.
...Games, as they evolve, will continuously affect our lives - directly and indirectly. Whether they become an advantage or a disadvantage in some aspects of our lives, it still up to us on how we handle and respond to it. The very important thing to remember is that we are still capable of making decisions and it is us who are responsible as we shift between the virtual world and the real world...

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