history of video game

**Posted by Arwen at 11:54 PM

after we watched document movie aoubt history of video game, in just realize now, the game not just a game any more, it's about culture, history, business, even more. since 1958 the first video game in to the world, around 50 years later, the development of video game was very fast. the game from simple tennis game which just one button to control to now, we have different consoles, and use different controller to simulate different situations. by this movie, we know background story about game industry, how the canon game be created, how the player enjoy the game, how the game effect people's life. after we watch these movie, we saw the game histroy passed by time, the develop of different types of game, we can also imagine what's game will be like in the future, in thought it's the biggest goal in the movie.

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