My WOW travel and search report

**Posted by Imaginator at 11:43 PM

OK, let's talk about world of warcraft.
I created two characters in my training account, both of them are pretty girls but with different face and occupation.
The human girl is called Insodream, she is a warlock. When i first time use this character, there were 2 male characters try to talk to me. One is full of vulgarity and another one invite me join his team. So, the first experience I learnt from MMORPG is, females are always more welcome than males.
The landscape and art style of human country is very close to normal middle ages city. Great castles, farms and church make people think Europe. Player's initial status are one of new militia of northshire abbey. However, in WOW, different face will have different born place. Every face has their different style and surface, even hobbies and languages.
My another character, Miss Inaodream, is a night elf druid. Her born place is a small elf village, Teldrassil. This place in in very deep forest, all buildings are a part of tree. The main color of this area are purple, looks very mythic and beautiful.
I think one of elements why world of warcraft make such a huge success in worldwide is its extensive meticulous setting. Blizzard tricky but resourceful collect a lot marrow from history and fantasy cultures. No just human and elf, I did a small research. In WOW, every face have its history or fantasy prototype. Human, elf, dwarf, undead ,orc they are frequenter who appeared in other fantasy world. However, we also can find something similar from world history. Human's style are come from middle age Britain . Orcs society construction is like Mongol army at Genghis khan time. All elf have French accent and all Draenei's speaking sounds like Germany.
Dwarfs and Gnomes are two huge shining point in WOW, their culture are more close to science fiction more than fantasy. They use steam technology to improve their weakness in body. Especially gnomes, most of them are crazy scientist. That makes WOW more colorful and interesting.
The basic game processing is very simple. In most time, player can receive missions from different NPCs. Then player follow the clues and guide to finish the mission, get exp and money. Player can use money to by items and equipment to prepare next mission or just meet his or her collecting meet. However, Blizzard's designers set a main story line to every small mission. For example, every time you almost clear all missions in one area, one of the important NPC will give you a new mission. That mission is very possible to send a mail to the lead of another area, or the black hand of something might be in another area. They give player a reason of travel. In addition, as I mentioned before, every face have different feature, that make people really enjoy this long long travel. Different place have different surface and NPCS, all face even has their own language. Since LV1 to 10, My warlock from northshire explore to Stormwind city, but is just a tiny part of this whole fantasy land. The curiosity will cause player keep going, and also cause this game become more and more popular.
At last, the original sound tracks of world of warcraft are so epic and impressive. It's really can make people forget the fact and falls into a different fantasy world.
World of warcraft, is a game with its depth.

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