Which witch is which?

**Posted by Hellray at 11:04 AM

  • O0o0o0o0ooo...this has been interesting...trying to work out who's who from the names...actually i CORRECTLY guessed that Arwen was Cloudy  =]...(ask Grace/Paradox?). Here's the short-list of who everyone iz:
  • Hellray = Adrian
  • Arwen = Cloudy
  • Mr Sparkle = Peinang
  • doffgan = ? (currently I'm guessing Amber tho...)
  • imaginator = Max (BUT, that's his email address that gonna stay his game-name?)

  • That would leave Grace and Christine still to join right now...although later we'll probably have some guests too...

    BTW...does anyone have a preferred choice for their first game yet? Arwen commented about my I got the feeling that's probably her preference...iz it?

Currently have 3 comments:

  1. Arwen says:

    yeah!im cloudy, we just have too less people, so it's easy to challenge at all~~~~haha~
    yes,I wanna choice CIV, may i?

  1. Hellray says:

    Hai! I'll do it for u, and post in the BLOG saying that hehehe

  1. Imaginator says:

    yup!"imaginator" will still be my game name as well!XD

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