Hellray talks about Civilization!

**Posted by Hellray at 1:24 AM

Civ(ilisation) 2 (PC):
Although the graphics were dubiously average at best, I loved this game for its gameplay. I’ve loved history and historical things since I was little and I’d always read everything I could about empires, my special favourite being the story of the roman empire (it still is really). To me, Civ 2 was like Simcity…you got to build your own towns and turn them into giant cities, coupled with a strategy game, you had to fight and beat other civilisations. I was always very determined to beat all the other empires and completely take over their cities. This is one of those games, like sims where you don’t just play it once or twice. I played this so many times.  Heh heh, SO many times.

In CIV you start by selecting a civilisation to play as. Then, it’s your task to build cities and eventually, if you survive long enough, to build a spaceship in order to colonise the nearby(ish) star-system of Alpha Centauri.

Gameplay works on a number of levels. First of all, you have to select good spots to build your cities, you have to ensure that there is enough local food for them to support their constantly expanding populations and that there is good transport between them. Cities must be well defended. Citizens must be kept happy, an often difficult process.

Throughout the game you must choose long-term goals for your scientists to research, and it is also in your interests to have a construction programme that includes Wonders of the World. Based on turn-type board games, time passes in increments of 20 years, starting from 4000BC and approaching 2100AD. A single game can take a very long time, like days.

What really makes this game so great is that it is a complicated attempt to simulate all the many many facets of building empires, but compressed into a game-type situation…but it really makes you think about it sometimes. Often it’s just a case of making good decisions to thrash the computer, but you also work on your long-term goals as well as keeping citizens as happy as possible in your cities. It’s also statistically challenging, as you like to (well I do) have the biggest cities, with the happiest citizens and the highest levels of production.

This was the second god game (after Simcity) that I played extensively and it is still the best just because of the array of its gameplay, over other similar games such as populous, black and white, Age of Empires and simcity in its different forms.

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. Arwen says:

    i think i will spend long time to play it.....

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