I played Mount Blade Warband this holiday. soooo cool

**Posted by John.Y at 2:46 PM

By Next 2 Generation

Before holiday, I download  Mount Blade Warband from a crack website. At the begining, I thougt this game is not fun like tae's introduction. But during playing, I have been addition in the game. And also I find many exciting point about this game. At the same time,  I doubt is this game really produced by 2 person?

The menu of the game

I agreed that the graphic of the game is not perfect. There is not large and impressive environment in size, scope, or extent. But the texture of the actors and background are just right for the purpose. This part is the shortage of the game. I want to say more about the bright points.

The welcome page

When you first time start game, there is a welcome page, in this page you can find out the general story about the game and the following page you can chose the actor's background such as father's job, your experience.

Father's job

This part is really creativity. The game put me back to medieval England. I can chose the experience that I like to be. With different choice, the gamg also start in different land.

Like most of RPG game, you can create your own charactors to suit your type. In this game, you can create charactor's hair, face, skin color and so on. Moreover, you can distrbute the skill points to different skills.

I like create a charactor same as myself.

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. Step4Beat says:

    like I said, this game was made by 2 people for the demo of the first version... and M&B Warband is the new one of the series

    anyway, I really want to play it... I might ask u for a copy, but not now, bcoz I'm falling for Dragon Age right now... u should try it, so cool

  1. John.Y says:

    Ha ha.. I can copy to u,man. Just keep it in ur hand. maybe we can play online.

    I am still struggle for Mario 64. It is too many stars that need to be found. And most difficult is contorlling.

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