2718_ Po Shen tutorial

**Posted by Paul at 7:32 PM

I want to introduce a old school game call" port royal 2". May be most of people are not familiar with this game, and I just gonna brief descript about why this game is so special to me.

first of all, even thought this game's graphic can't compare with most of game in the market now days, but there are many advantages about this game.
for example, while we are doing the trading, the price is actually depents at how many stock in the city, and the price of selling and buying are also diffrent, therefore, player need to consider not only the price but also if the town realy lack of the type of goods.
On the other hand, the friendship between the player and colonier is one of the most important key to the game, because player need to complete all kind of missions from diffrent city's coloniers who is represneting for diffrent countries, and we can get some prize from them even theirs daughter, therefore, we can get more right during we trading around all cities.
finally, war scenes are also pretty cool, but there're some thing I don't like about which is we can only use one ship against many(max 5) enemy's ship which let me feel that doesn't make any sense, but except that, the trading, build up a trading route, and the way to accomplish a mission are realistic which is reason that leads me into the particular game.

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