Prototype : Street Fighter II

**Posted by Step4Beat at 12:03 PM

Street Fighter II released in 1991 and yet follows several of the rules from its original from 1987. Once, when I was in around year 4 in primary school, I had played this game, but in the Super Street Fighter II version, the sub series of this game. At that time, it did not catch my attention at all. In my opinion, it was not that good, compared to another one on one fighting games such as “Garou Densetsu” or “Fatal Fury” in Europe, anyway, those one on one fighting games were likely to followed the layout and the way of Street Fighter. In this writing, my view and opinion might be stand off from what the assignment expected, but I would try to give a point of both advantage and disadvantage of this game.

Graphic & Layout

For the graphic of this game, of course, I can not say that it was really good, because I have played a lot of better graphic games recently. Although, if we step back to the past in 90’s, graphic for any games at that time were not really different. 2D of course, can not catch an attention from new gamers in these days. Including that I played it in emulator name “DOSBox”, and yet played in DOS mode, the window was small, the graphic was in a low resolution and pixelate. Anyway, at that time, this game was released for consoles then it was not looked bad as in DOS mode on computer.

Movement of all characters were quicker than reality, as it was a 2D game, of course not looks real but in my opinion, it was too quick. Although, if we think about an over natural power and it was a game, then reality is nothing.

In the game, while you are playing, you will see a health bar that show how much health the fighters have left and the fighter’s name under the bar. Under the middle between the two fighters health bar was a time count down. If you had played some others one on one fighting game, you would see that they had the same layout in fighting mode as you can say that this layout is the best for fighting game.


The player will fight against the other fighter in one on one close quarter combat in a series of best two out of three matches. The objective of each round is to beat the opponent up before the timer runs out. If both of the fighters knock each other out at the same time or the timer runs out with both fighters having an equal amount of health left on the health bars, then a “double KO” or “draw game” is declared and additional rounds will be played until sudden death. In the first Street Fighter II, a match could last up to ten rounds if there was no clear winner; this was reduced to four rounds in Champion Edition and onward. If there is no clear winner by the end of the final round, then either the computer-controlled fighter will win by default in a single player mode or both fighters will lose in a battle mode.

After every third match in the single player mode, the player will have a chance to gain a bonus points in a “bonus game”. The bonus games includes a car-breaking event similar to another bonus round featured in Final Fight, a barrel breaking bonus game where the barrels are dropped down from a conveyor belt above the player and a drum-breaking bonus game where drums are flammable and piled over each other.


It might because of that I played it on computer and I could not use a joystick to play, then it was really hard to control the character perfectly. On computer, you have to make a critical hit on the buttons to make a special moves of any characters. Since when I was young, the character that I always use was “Dalsim”, because he was easy to make a special move and you could to make a good long range attack by just press forward and punch or kick buttons. The first time that I started to played the game for this assignment, I chose to played as “Ryu” and “Chun Li”, because of that I was not used to play the game, I had won just a few times and lose for more than ten times. There were a lot of one on one fighting games that use the same set of buttons to make a special move, because it was easy to remember and press.


In my opinion, the best part of this game was a character design. The lead character, “Ryu”, used Karate to fight, of course that made sense because this was a Japanese game and he was a Japanese. Although, if you were a western players, you could used the other character that really similar to “Ryu”, he was “Ken”, with the same move and everything looked the same, just hair style and cloths color that made them looked different. All of these characters were unique and stylish. Then, I will mention a little bit about those characters that I had used to played.

“Ryu”, Japanese fighter who had a not clear past and only one thing that was in his mind was “How to be a real fighter?”. Karate uniform and his name showed that he was a Japanese. The special moves that he used were famous such as “Hadoken” or “Shoryuken”. Only bad thing about this character was his special moves were easy to avoided.

“Ken”, American fighter who once was Ryu’s training partner and yet after he went back to USA, he came back to Japan again as Ryu’s only one friend and rival. His cloths, style and move were all the same as “Ryu” and those were the bad part of this character. Why they had to added this character into this game, if there were no any different between this one and another one.

“E. Honda”, Japanese Sumo fighter who was one of “Yokotsuna” or the best of Sumo fighter. After he retired from being a Sumo fighter, he attended to fight on the street. One of his special move was really easy to made, just pressed a punch button quickly many times, then he would attacked by a his palm like a machine gun.

“Dalsim”, Indian yoga master who was trying to find some good place for orphan children to live. His special moves were easy to made and control. I could remember that when I was young, some of my friends were like to used this character as well.


What this assignment expected from me was explained my opinion about why this game is a canon game. I accept that in my opinion this game was not that good, although after it released, most one on one fighting games used the same layout, style and sets of buttons for special moves. Then, the best part of this game was a character design which out off the box and creative. Anyway, this game had to be really famous at the time, fighting game is not easy to catch a gamer attention and being on the top, because there are not many gamers who love to play this kind of game.

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