WOW mini report -- Lawrence

**Posted by Lawrence at 10:50 AM

Level 1 to level 5 is just a little tiny journey in the world of war craft. You don’t have powerful weapons or awesome armors. Actually when you are level 1, you are always born in the village where you can get familiar with the game environment, understanding the story and get used to the controls. My character is a hunter. 1 to 5 is all about killing animals and finished the quest. However you can still get a lot of fun with it, because the story in the quest is always interesting. No doubt of that the game has an excellent performance on the graphics. And some of the system is pretty strong. For example the quest guiding system which is just being used in the latest 1 or 2 patch, it makes the progress of doing the quest much easier. If people have time to get your character reached level 10 it will be much more fun with the talent system, you can say it’s kind of your personality.

Be honestly, if people really want to enjoy the game it’s better to spend some times to reach level 80… because the real interesting part of WOW always start from the moment when player reach the highest level in the patch.

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