2290 Kylin MY Character

**Posted by Kylin at 6:14 PM

2290 Kylin MY Character

I have played this game. It is my Character.

First thing first, at the initial stage, when I have just played this game, I feel the operation is quite complicated. There are dozens of functions about my character in this game. I forget some of them oftentimes. another negative feeling is the task is not easy, especially, the road is very long.

Nevertheless, there are tons of merits about this game. Can you image each of thess modes in this game is just approximately 700 polys? Yee, they are just 700 or less than it polys. To the next portion, the graphic is quite cool. Taking account of the sum of polys resperting each model, I suppose the graphic is incrediable emmenent. Besides, there are a lot of fascinating tasks. It sustains players' interest.

When I was playing it, I felt everything is outstanding,except the road is too much long.

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