Report by Lawrence Paul Colins

ZZPosted by Lawrence on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Is it your age from 18-25?
18 20 20

The reason for asking this question is that we want to know how old person would be attracted by this game. It would help us to analysis this game and make sure who would be the target audiences. According to the answers, all interviewee are from 18-25. Consequently, this game is suitable for young men. That means young men should be the target audiences. So, if we want to improve this game, we would add some fresh and cool elements into this game for absorbing them.

What kind of game do you like?
Online RPG Strategy RPG

Act on these answers, two are indulging in RPG and one is appreciate Strategy. So, that put forward an important orientation for use to heighten the quality of this game. For example, if players liked RPG, designers would give more factors about RPG in this game. For example, a romance story should be plugged in for my part.

How many hours you spend on this game?
4hours 4hours 10hours per week

Two people said 4 hours and one said 10 hours per week. That implies this game is extraordinary charming. It attracts people to play this game more than one times. It assistant us to make sense respecting it is a good game. We are able to make long plan for selling this game and updating it.

How often you played this game?
Takes time.

All interviewees suppose they would like to pick some free time to play this game. It means they assume it is an game which would help players get relax feeling.

Most of the male students are feeling that design a game such as “A little big plant” should be a big challenge (two out of three), but in my point of view, some parts of game can still be created easily, because one of the volunteer seems pretty confident.
For the game graphic, most interviewees holding different aspect of view, because focus points are different.
For example, if the interviewee prefer the design part of the game, he will feel characters are cute, on the other hand, if he takes the modelling as the most important part of the game, he is going to be kind of disappointed, but for the setting, it’s in a level of professional.
The feature design keeps players interesting of the game.

how do you think the characters in the game?

the answer: cute custmomise a lot, personality on player

the character design is the most essential part of the game, if the character is popular the game is already 80% successed.
from the survy we can see that people like to have some sort of right to design their own character and it seems people
enjoyed a lot.example, when player is playing the online games or RPGs they always want to see their own charactor leveling up
and purchasing some special equiment from the game that is different to others.people enjoyed a lot of customization from the
"little big plant". interviewee think the character has their own personality,and the character function is special for them.

What do you want to improve the game?

the answer: camera angle, separate the scene for each player

In the "little big plant" the game camera is always following the character and never change its angle.From the survy we can see
people are complaining about the camera angle and the scene in the game. pleople are always looking for a better and dynamic camera angle
to do things in the game. interviewee think the camera angle bother them a lot when they are playing the game.
What do you think this game?

the answer:good enough unlimited customize the level design cut character

the outcome of playing the game from the interviewee is good. they are suprised by the special fucntion in the game. they are enjoying the game

Survey Analysis Report from Tae, Steve and John

ZZPosted by John.Y on , under | comments (0)

Regarding the game's group survey about 'Little big planet' game, we found that the average age group is between 21-25 years old and the most age we found was 21 years old. For the genre of the game, RPG genre is the most popular for this generation. Girls that we did survey, they are not often to play game is around 4 hours per week. The reasons was they have not much time to play game. They usually play game when they get bored or during the traveling. One question that we ask them about it is a big challenge to design the game level for 'Little big planet' game. All of them were agree that it is a really big challenging. They are enjoying to play the game because it easy to learn how to play and control the game and they prefer to play it again.

In the question of 'should the game play be balanced with multiple ways to win?', one answerer said 'it depend on how long you have spent on the level'. For the game graphic, most of them were agree that it simple, cute and relax style, eventhough it not a realistic style graphic. They gave us an opinion about the game's character design as 'it is cute and have a lot of customization such as dressing the characters' so it is really attractive especially for girls.

'What part of the game should be improved?' was the another question that we survey, the answer was 'it should have more unlock able stuffs and it should add more stuffs such as downloadable contents and combat inside the game. The last question was about their opinion of the game, they said 'the most advantage is to share the level that you have created with other people' so the game has never ended.

My WOW gameplay

ZZPosted by Paul on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 , under | comments (0)

start up


wearing vest


level 5

according to level up the character, i have tried several ways that can whether to raise my experience points or to discover this game which are collecting item in order to learn more skill also try to defeat many higher level enemies, therefore, even thogh i have been revived many time, but i still found it very interesting, because many players around me are also try to help me up while i almost got defeated by other monsters, and that makes me feel gradeful.
on the other hand, to complete mission also one of the motivation to keep me interesting to this game, because i can travel many places to search the item or person who i need to talk to, therefore, by doing this, i also explore many places in the game.
in my opinion, the game play of WOW has a delicate background, simple missions and gives player who is under level 10 having unlimited chance to survive.
i very enjoy this game, and i am willing to keep on.

WOW mini report -- Lawrence

ZZPosted by Lawrence on Saturday, May 8, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Level 1 to level 5 is just a little tiny journey in the world of war craft. You don’t have powerful weapons or awesome armors. Actually when you are level 1, you are always born in the village where you can get familiar with the game environment, understanding the story and get used to the controls. My character is a hunter. 1 to 5 is all about killing animals and finished the quest. However you can still get a lot of fun with it, because the story in the quest is always interesting. No doubt of that the game has an excellent performance on the graphics. And some of the system is pretty strong. For example the quest guiding system which is just being used in the latest 1 or 2 patch, it makes the progress of doing the quest much easier. If people have time to get your character reached level 10 it will be much more fun with the talent system, you can say it’s kind of your personality.

Be honestly, if people really want to enjoy the game it’s better to spend some times to reach level 80… because the real interesting part of WOW always start from the moment when player reach the highest level in the patch.

about the music

ZZPosted by Lawrence on , under | comments (0)

is it better to have a background music in the game when player is fighting with enermy?

sometimes i just feel so boring when i'm Leveling my character in WOW.

2083_Henry_ Rogue, World of Warcraft

ZZPosted by Henry on Monday, May 3, 2010 , under | comments (0)

I chose rogue as my character in my game. It was my first time to play this game. Thus, I found that it was a little difficult to play it at the beginning. However, I continue to playing it for two hours. I think that this game is very realistic and interesting. Meanwhile, when I controled rogue to kill enemy, it made me very excited. Rogue is a wonderful killer.
I spent two and half hours in getting five levels.

2083_Henry Doom1 Report

ZZPosted by Henry on , under | comments (0)

Doom1 Report

Doom one is definitely a cannon game in the whole game history. Doom1 is playing an important role during the development of games. ­It seems to be like a milestone for a long time.

Doom is belongs to first-person shooter game, which is designed by id Software in 1993. It is quite popular among players all the time. Doom has made six series, which is still keeping its fix state in competitive game industry. There are some reasons for explaining why Doom is so popular and widely played for the whole world. The game has pioneering impressive 3D graphics and true third dimension spatiality for the first person genre. Its realistic graphics and interactive violence, as well as its satanic imagery, also made it quite different from ordinary and traditional first person shooter games and pretty unique. A player is easily absorbed to play Doom for a long time, because Doom is so attractive and different for player, which makes people feel very exciting, even feeling blood heated. It is estimated that approximately 10 million people play Doom. The number of people who played Doom has proved that Doom1 is completely a cannon game.


Welcome to DOOM, a lightning-fast virtual reality adventure where you are the toughest space trooper ever to suck vacuum. Unluckily, you teammates are all dead. As the last man standing, your mission is to shoot your way through a monster-infested holocaust in order to keep from attacking earth. Living to tell the truth to earth people is the final mission.

The game play for DOOM is quite simple. This is not a cumbersome adventure game, but an action-oriented mission. Using your wits is IMPORTANT. To escape DOOM, you need both brains and the killer instinct.

Game play

Before making presentation, honestly, I never heard of Doom1. Maybe, I do not often play some big or video games, even I am first play video during senior game. Because when I was study in city in senior school, I start a chance to touch video game. At the beginning, I do not know much Doom, which results me not play much time in Doom. However, I teacher teach me a lesson about Doom, when I start to playing Doom again. This time, I focus on my energy and time to play it. With playing different level, I find that I was attractive by cool action and killing monster feeling from game, even starting to enjoy this feeling. Now,

Although I cannot say that I am like a expert, I am good at playing this game for a long time. It took me too much long time to play this game. Thus, I have to put on my report, but I think that it is worth with doing it. Because I enjoyed playing Doom. In fact, FPS genre game is my favorite style. For example, both Counter Strike and Battlefield are my favorites.

Through a long time playing Doom, I get some great feelings.

The good side of this game is that the structure of building is very clear and simple. For example, when play in any level, I can quickly find the doors and directions, which save me lots of time lead me to kill monsters quickly. Lots of demonic monsters are along the road. Also, additional ammo, health increases and other “power-ups” along the way, as well as some occasional secrete areas, which are not immediately obviously found as a reward for players who should be careful.

The weapons should be remarkable and notable. At the beginning, the player only has a pistol. There are a chainsaw, a shotgun, a chain gun, a rocketed launcher, a plasma rifle, and finally the immediately powerful BFG 9000. Using different weapons to kill monsters is so an exciting thing.

With increasing levels in Doom, the number of monsters is also increasing in the game. The characters look like so evil and bloody in the game. Even, when I was first time to play it, I was little scared with these monsters. However, playing for a while made me enjoy this style to kill monsters. When I shot bullets to monsters, monsters are spitting out of monsters’ body. This phenomenon will make game more realistic and exciting. When players are playing this game, you will be addictive to this game. Doom is making us feel pretty excited.

In addition, perfect background music is so match with this game. Exciting music make me feel that I like really shoot monsters in the life.

Reasons for Success:

Good Graphics:

In that age, this kind of images leaves players deep impressive in people minds. Because these graphics are so different from before all game’s graphics. It is totally unique.


Realistic, 3D scenes

KISS (Keep It Simple & Stupid):

Player is easy to play and enjoy it.


When play it well, they can get reward in different level, such as bullets, weapons and health.


Doom must be a cannon game. Because this game lots of player play this game. The game is so popular all over the world. The new technology is used in game. The story is so good. What all was mentioned above has proof this game is so important role in game industry. Doom is a milestone, especially in FPS genre.

2290 Kylin MY Character

ZZPosted by Kylin on Sunday, May 2, 2010 , under | comments (0)

2290 Kylin MY Character

I have played this game. It is my Character.

First thing first, at the initial stage, when I have just played this game, I feel the operation is quite complicated. There are dozens of functions about my character in this game. I forget some of them oftentimes. another negative feeling is the task is not easy, especially, the road is very long.

Nevertheless, there are tons of merits about this game. Can you image each of thess modes in this game is just approximately 700 polys? Yee, they are just 700 or less than it polys. To the next portion, the graphic is quite cool. Taking account of the sum of polys resperting each model, I suppose the graphic is incrediable emmenent. Besides, there are a lot of fascinating tasks. It sustains players' interest.

When I was playing it, I felt everything is outstanding,except the road is too much long.