Mount&Blade by Prototype

**Posted by Step4Beat at 1:24 PM

‘Mount & Blade’ is a medieval single-player open-ended action role-playing game. It had been released for only one platform, Windows.

‘Mount & Blade’ developed by a Turkish company name ‘Tale World’ and published by ‘Paradox Interactive’. Its retail version was released on September 16, 2008 in North America, and three days later in Europe. The game originated as an independent project of just two people, a Turkish couple who later founded ‘Tale World’ company, ‘Armagan Yavuz’ and his wife ‘Ipek Yavuz’. Before they released the retail version, beta versions were published on the developer’s website.

The reason that I love this game is of course not a graphic or story line, in fact, there are no story in it. This game is just like a sand box which you can do anything you want. You’ll start the game with only small weapon and a very slow horse, then it’s your task to choose what you’re gonna do in the game. You choose to be anything, you can be just a merchant or you can be a knight of a clan, lord, or even be an outlaw who want to have his own clan. There are no any fantasy items in the original version, the game is just focusing on fighting with sword, shield and arrow. Unlike most of the other games of the genre, for this game you can play either in third person view or first person view, think about it, first person melee, how cool is that, right?

One more reason that I love this game is because that it has no exact story line, and that make an indy game developers to be able to make a patch that totally different from its original version. After you play an original version for a long time, you might get bored, then just find some cool patch, you’d be able to have fun with this game again immediately.

Currently have 4 comments:

  1. Lawrence says:

    the game really cool!
    is it really done by two people? How long does it takes for them to finished the whole product?

    is there any rules in the game? actually im a big fun of GTA, that game is crazy so free that u can do anything u like

  1. John.Y says:

    its sooo cool. I'd love to try this game

  1. Hellray says:

    I was wondering about the two person thing as well. I'm wondering if they set up the company, did the basic work themselves, but had a development team who worked for them...

  1. Step4Beat says:

    Actually, this game was a project of the Turkish couple. However, after they realease a demo version on their site, the publisher was interested in it... so, the publisher provided them a budget, then, they built up a team and finished the full version... (it's impossible to make the whole game by just two people I think)

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