2325 SimCity

**Posted by Yang at 9:22 PM

SimCity published in 1989 by Maxis’ and become a classic game with the series.

Before start, you are the God of the land. The objective of SimCity, as the game’s name of suggests, is to be a mayor to build and design a city which you like. You start out with nothing but a bit of money, and a piece of land, and it's your job to create and maintain a city. You must create the perfect balance。

The player can design the zone as commercial, industrial, or residential, add buildings, change the tax rate of commercial, industrial, or residential, build transportation systems like bus and train, and so on.

The first step is usually to create a power plant without power because everyone needs it.
Next step is laid out zones with growing road in your city.

Look out: you are the mayor but not the owner of factory or house.
So, you can just make a plan of your land but not built house by yourself.
A lower tax rate. No one likes to pay more money to his mayor.
But low tax rate always leads to budget lack.
Good environment of your city: no traffic jam, good police, schools and hospitals…
But you can not afford too much facilities of your city at the beginning…

The core of your design is balance.

Iridium Satellite LLC 15 years ago. They had the best facilities of Mobil phone but also the most expensive…So the company crashed like his satellites.
So you must be care of your budget balance but not ignore appeal of your citizen.
City will grow up.
Also, we may face disasters including flood, flash, fires, earthquakes and attacks by monsters. As a mayor, you must repair the city after disaster and take care of your citizens.

How long time can you play in this game? It depends on you performance in city design. To heavy tax will leads to depression in industrial and commercial but to low tax can not afford to built the city.

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