Cannon Game 2290 Kylin

**Posted by Kylin at 12:23 PM

Recently, I have played quite a few popular games. I have to say most of them are quite incredible. However, the one I would like to pick is Mirror’s Edge. There are dozens of factors respecting it attracting me. I suppose if you were going to play this game, you would really enjoy playing time. When EA digital Illusions CE announced it would be developed, I was always expecting it would be classic one. Actually, it does. Now, let me introduce this amazing game-------Mirror’s Edge.

Mirror's Edge is a single-player first person action-adventure video game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE) and published by Electronic Arts. In November2008, it is first released for Xbox and PlayStation 3. After three mouths, it is imported Personal Computer. It supports Windows System, however; it also could be played in Mac Computer. This game is powered by Unreal Engine 3. This engine is very preeminence. A lot of games choose this engine.

This game has been made by EA Digital Illusions CE, a Swedish Video Developer, which is one part of Electronic Arts. One famous game made by it is Battlefield, now Mirror’s Edge is as well. This group was started by four persons. In 1994, this company moved to Gothenburg until 2005 the office was merged with the ex-Refraction Game office in Stockholm. The company registered in 1998. When the Battlefield released, it become very famous. The total value of the company was estimated at approximately USD$55 million in 2004. During 2000-2001, it bought some other video game groups. When time goes to November 2004, Electronic Arts declared it tend to purchase this company’s shares. On 2nd October 2006, it was bought by EA and renamed EA Digital Illusions CE. At this moment, I would like to introduce Electronic Arts.

Obviously, it is an outstanding video game corporation. It is an international, marketer, publisher and distributor of video games. Trip Hawkins found it on 28th May1982, at initial stage, it design video game for home computer. In the later 1900s, it grew via a successful game developer. Presently, its most successful game products are sport games. Now, EA has become a huge corporation through buying many small video game studios and corporation with other partners. EA Digital Illusions CE is one part in this company.

Actually, I assume it is known to all, a product which would be released by a good company should not be bad. I would like to mention that associating with the type of Mirror’s Edge, this game is quite suitable to be made by this company. Electronic Arts is famous of its sports game, so the actions is very cool in this game and Battlefields are EA Digital Illusions CE’s most famous games; consequently, shooting or fighting is their advantage.

The background system is Unreal Engine 3. It is a game engine developed by Epic Games. This engine is released in1998. At the first time, it is used for first-person shooting game. There are three visions about this engine, vision 1, vision 2 and vision 3. For this game, it is used vision 3. Its core code is written by C++. It supports many different systems, such as Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Vision 1 is released in 1998, and then transfer product is published vision 2. Obviously, vision 3 is an evolution. It designed for Direct X, Xbox and PlayStation. Its render supports many advance technique and it could be run in Mac computer and Iphone.

When it has just been released, it becomes very hot game.

Platform PS3 Xbox 360 PC IPod Lead role Faith
Senior Producer Owen O'Brien Writer Rhianna Pratchett
Rating Teen (ESRB) / 16+ (PEGI) Game Engine Unreal 3
Price US$10 Classic Vision Price US$129

At the first week, in Europe, it only sold around 60 thousand copies, far less than the expectation value of Electronic Arts. However, after several mouths, it sold more than 100 thousand copies around the world. According to official survey, a new player could finished this game in 36 hours and a skilled played is able to finished this game in 15 hours. Majority players deem it is a cool game and some players figure it is an amazing game but with several problems.

Game Critics Awards: E3 2008 Best Original Game E3 2008 Best Action Game
Game Spot E3 2008 Best Action Game
Game Pro's Best of E3 2008 Gold
Game Trailers’ Best of E3 2008: Best New Franchise
Game Spy’s Top 10 Games of E3 2008
UGO's E3 2008: Best Action Adventure Game
GC 2008 Best Xbox 360 Game
Nordic Game Awards 2009: Best Artistic Achievement
Nordic Game Awards 2009: Best Nordic Game

For Xbox360 and PlayStation, there are no special requirements, only need some room for it. About 10MB in Xbox360 is required; meanwhile, 550MB is asked if used PlayStation 3.

If this game runs in computer, there was a basic requirements list.
Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP2, Vista or Win 7
Processor: 3.0 GHz or faster
Memory: 1 GB RAM or more
Graphics: Microsoft DirectX 9.0c compatible video card
Video card must have 256 MB or more (NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better)
Hard Drive: 8 GB free space
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

An Asia girl Faith is a thief. One day she want to steal something from an apartment; unfortunately, she be arrested by Mercury. He assumes she is an adoptable person to be a runner, so he trains her. The duty for she is to send some messages to other people, because government oversees all folks’ life. Her older sister is a police officer. One day, she is taken to somewhere Faith did not know. Faith wants to take her sister back; the only way is to take over the truth. She starts her plan to save her sister. One day, she catches a person who knows something. When he will tell something to Faith, he is killed. Faith has to find the murderer. Finally, she catch her, one of group of runner, but cops and securities comes. She leaves and she wants to save her sister personally. Mercury changed the route of police car where Faith’s Sister Kate in it. But police attack runner’s base. Mercury tells Faith where Kate is taking. After a stimulating fighting, she save Kate.
This story happens in a nameless city. The whole city seems very clean. There is tons of glass. Glisten in this game is quite strong. All of factors shock players while they have just played this game. The scene appears extraordinary gorgeous. This graphic style shows us this city is exceedingly prosperous. Everything makes you feel unbelievable and pleasure.

Unreal 3 is used for powering this game. One important thing I would like to mention is a powerful plugging is used in this game Beast. The reactive light becomes quite perfect. If an object was lighted very strongly, its own colour would be projected to other things around it. Beast plugging does not allow GPU changing Illumination and contrast automatically that makes quality of graphic better. PC vision adds PhysX physical engine, it bring some more cool effects, such as glass light, particle system and fog. The colour in this game is very bright and vivid. There almost do not have any words in the screen, it keeps screen seems clean and makes quality of images does not become lower. During different grounds, there is 2D animation that seems beautiful.

For a long time, there is no amazing FPS game. Now, Mirror’s Edge would be an classic one.

This game wants to bring cool first person feeling to all players. For achieving this goal, Faith is designed as a prompt role; meanwhile, the camera is very close to this character. Her legs, arms and torso are quite prominent, at the same time; everything is able to affect her actions. For example, visibility is one of those elements which would reduce or increase the speed of Faith. If Faith jumps a long distance, she would stop for a while. All of these elements brings players realistic feeling about first person adventure. Momentum is this game is quiet important. Players should try to preserve it, because sometimes your enemies would follow you tightly. If players could not keep momentum, the game would be ended for Faith would be killed. Compare with other similar adventure game, it gives players unique experience. Another asset is worthy to be mentioned is puzzle in this game. It is not math puzzle or jigsaw puzzle; it is exceedingly cleaver idea testing players combining several tools to be a chain for achieving target. It is very exciting and interesting, because you have short time to finish that; or you would be killed. There are dozens of police officers following Faith. Players should control Faith run and hide; simultaneously, solve this problem in order to approach destination. How cool is it! What is more, weapon could not be hold in this game, although it could be used to finish off heaps of enemies, when the bullet runs out, it would be discarded automatically. This reason for making this trait is that designers desire to let players taste realistic first person view. If guns are allowed, most persons would choose kill enemies from a long distance. It would reduce feeling regarding actual first person view and charming of this game. However, weapon could be used until cartridge clip is empty. I believe that carrying weapons would decrease speed and it would be designed as an obstacle while there are no bullets.

It is known to all, Assassin Creed or Prince of Persia is another quite hot action adventure game, but they use third person view. However, taking them as references is a not bad idea. In third person view, all actions of whole body would be displayed distinctly since using this view. In prince of Persia, a wise and brave prince imagination is built. But the prince is only having some actions in that game. Nonetheless, Mirror’s Edge would give audiences another taste. There are wild rang of actions could be made by Faith. It seems unbelievable. If Prince of Persia looks like Arabian Nights, Mirror’s Edge seems living vivid life. In first one, camera using is quite normal, it is just be set follow the character. Nonetheless, in Mirror’s Edge the camera is not just follow her, it is set very close to this role; it would bring real uptight sense to players. It is an amazing inexpressible feeling about this game. In Prince of Persia, Prince is Persia, although there are a large number of puzzle games, those are traditional and classical. In comparison with Mirror’s Edge, I assume puzzles in the last game seems cool and real. Players would use their brain to solve some problems in real life. What an interesting idea! Although all puzzles in Prince of Persia appear extraordinary cool, thinking for a while, you would find they are meaningless and insipid in real life. The main weapon for the prince is blade in game world. It is suitable for statues of our prince, but it still normal and dull. Short distance camera view and bare-handed wrestle in Mirror’s Edge would bring players incredible feeling. It is entirely new one.

The song of this game is “Still Alive”. It is famous one. The background music makes players exciting. Sound in each game become very significant nowadays. Most taste experience comes from voice. So make cool sound for game is significant. This game does.

Female character Faith is a successful character. She is an Asian. Black short shirt, loose white trousers and red shoes make this individual seems extraordinary fashion. The one piece for this character is the sign on her right eye which comes from logo of this game gives me deep impression.

In this game, there is a special movement called reaction time. It seems like bullet time. If it is activated, time would become slow. You have more time to think what the next step is.

The controller in this game is simple, just using keyboard and mouse. For example, up is for jumping, running or climbing, down is for sliding, rolling or crouching. That is not easy. But you would get it quickly, if you exercise.

Graphic in this game is quite cool.

There are three cool effects I would like to talk about.

The fist one is red hint I called. When the role approach something useful, it would turn to be red for remind players using this thing. That is very useful effect for a new player. Take me as an example, when I first saw this effect, I assume it is something will be exploded. But, when I find it is a hint, I think it must be useful.

The next one is the effect of particle system. Fog and glisten are two crucial factors should be taken account when you would like to make a decision concerning how to make the next action. Fog in this game seems very true, even you can hind in it and the glisten is cool as well, but glisten sometimes help players ,something not. These two effects make this game truer and more interesting.

Different colors sides flashing is the next effect I would like to talk. When you unable to use special movement bullet time or you are in danger, the screen sides would become red. If you are allowed to use special movement again, the screen sides become light blue. That is an important hint, because it would save your life, when you saw it, try to hind or ran to somewhere for save your life.

Several song set are made and sold.

The comic is also sells well. The final chapter is released.

2D online game is published.

At the end of this game, Kate is declared as a criminal as well as Faith, so it must have sequel. Actually, EA says this game have three parts. This is the first one. The following works is starting. This end of the game is quite interesting. It has told us that there must have the next game. Why it seems so confident? In my view, it should, because it does quiet cool.

EA Digital Illusions receives all positive reviews in this game. It gives all players an outstanding game. That is quite cool. You know, if you mix some elements into a new game that is not tough. Nonetheless, when a group would like to mix all advantages into a cool future canon game that means too much. Plenty of factors should be taken account of. Even some of brilliant merits which are not suiting this game style could not be joined. Quite a few of features which are too much shine could not be joined. But EA did a good job. All the cool elements in this amazing game seem mixed perfectly. It never gives audiences some bad feeling regarding this game; at least, I reckon that.

This game brings all players a totally different feeling regarding action adventure game. One question, I would like to ask. Why other action game I did not suppose it would be canon game in the near future, such as prince of Persia, Assassin Creed, and NBA. All of them show players unbelievable experience concerning actions in game. The wherefore is in Mirror’s Edge, the strong true living feeling of action from first person view. That feeling is unique. You could not stop thinking you were in the game. The mission is not in the game; it is just in front of your eyes. How cool is it! Have you got this sense from the other games? No, I assume this is the true first person view game which would make me gain this incredible feeling.

It helps EA acquire heaps of experience about First Person View game. As you can image, most well known action game which has been made by EA is third person view. But EA would have abundant experience about first person view game. Obviously, I could image that several first person view game would be released by EA later. Actually, for this game, it has sequel. In my view, Mirror’s Edge would be a kind of standard which a lot of games might follow. The actions, the view, the image style. All of those would be classical.

After the bright colored Mirror’s Edge released, Battlefield is also used bright colour. What I think about the colour in this game is beautiful and gorgeous. You would see all the images in this game looks peaceful and pretty. It let me feel comfortable. Most of time, when I playing this game, I was really enjoy this environment. Virtually, it would be a emblem of any modern city, because it tells us a true story to some extended. I think a game might not just give players fun, although it sounds the first important features a game would have and it is true. For my part, a game is also might tell players some true stories. It would give players some other experience respecting true life in other places. That should be cool. As what I have said, it bring unbelievable living experience concerning playing this game which would fairly and quickly established players’ confident.

Phys X Physical Engine is also shows its power. This engine gives this game an incredible true living environment which others games are unable to compare with this game. The dust, fog and sunshine, even the wind I could feel though watching some tiny stuffs in the street. I deem it would be very cool. When I first saw those specifics, I was shocked, because I presumed there is some enemies there. Actually, it is just wind. I do not indicate each game which makes some cool images would be classical. Nevertheless, this one makes stunning true.

Non-linear game it is. Although the storyline could not be altered, players are allowed taking quite a few other inspired measures to achieve the goal concerning each scene. That would be cool, because when players pass all scenes, they would play it again for trying different solutions. That implies this game attract players to play this game more than one time.

Thank you!

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