Inside the Myst

**Posted by christine c. at 2:11 PM

I started playing Myst last Friday with some few clues as to what this game is but not enough to make me know what I really should be doing. So the first time I opened it, I can't keep but to keep on clicking on anything I could click which can either make me walk towards a path or make an interaction with some objects in that game. The intro to that game which reveals a little backstory (narrator/voice over, sounds and graphics are done well) is interesting though. It was like a movie incorporated into an interactive game, and wherein you have to play it to make an ending to that story.

But after opening the Myst book for the first time which lets me enter into the world / game, I am left to wander and makes me feel that I am somehow lost. But its nice to see that the visuals are that good, considering the fact that it was done long time ago. This game may have lesser impact to players who loves to play just for fun (such as shooting games, etc) because this one is somehow quite serious but perhaps this game may appeal to some who likes going into movies and stories and those who likes to get challenged in finding places/ things and solving clues to move on. A game can't please all players after all.^^

Many times you will find it difficult to move on because its quite difficult to figure out what to do next/where to go/what to look for, but if you can appreciate in playing these kind of puzzle games, this is a good game though. It is also helpful to somehow know what you have to look for in a certain area.

I like the way this game has incorporated the backstory/plot, the visuals, and how they use certain elements such as the books to communicate the other characters of the game to the player, which makes me, the player, feel that i am really into it and i am important to make the game move on. The game is very intriguing (but may sometimes make me feel that I'm losing my patience) and the sound is quite creepy (so I don't recommend it to those who hates horror stories:D) but it is what it is for the nature of the game.*here, after solving some clues to drain the water from this fountain-like structure, I was able to see a video message of Atrus (the one who creates the books)....pretty cool ;)

*these are some of the contents of the books in the library

*here is one of the 2 sons of Atrus whom I found trapped inside one of the books in the library, telling me to go find some of the lost pages. The video was quite static(effective in that way)..... hmmm..I don't trust him though..he looks suspicious....

But then, once in a while, I came to a point where I feel quite disappointed and quite desperate when I can't figure why something has not worked well. Right now, I am stuck in this clock tower and trying to figure out why I can't move on, in spite of finding a clue to it. If I can finished solving some of the clues here, then at least, maybe I could finally enter into the 4 Ages/Worlds described to me through the books I found inside the library...
*these numbers are the clues I found way back inside the library for this clock tower but something seems wrong, nothing happens even if I turn the clock to 2:40...>< far could i really go?.....

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. doffgan says:

    does myst only have two generation?

  1. Imaginator says:

    As I know,MYST series have already had five generations. It's even more famous than Monkey Island series for many AVG players.

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